Sunday 24 April 2016


In times like this that you are blank
Like a plank
Like it’s a prank
In the bank

When it seems you know nothing about everything
Even when you have a clue about most things
And confusion stares at you in strange things
Leave it all to the one who knows it all
Even before everything was made he knows it all about it all

Only then can you get enough motivation
Through his divine inspiration
Making you stronger for your generation
Because truly the world awaits your manifestation

In your manifestation will his exaltation be pronounced,
Announced, glorified and magnified
Because therein lies the purpose of our creation
We are kingdom ambassadors creating heaven here on earth

So be conscious to always give an expression to your purpose
A purposeless life is just another wasted life
Be purposefully purposeful
And the world will celebrate your tenacity, endurance and hope
A resonance, one spark creating another
Letting go of nothingness because we are all created to live not like a blank plank,
but a purposeful being!

Lets go a step higher. YES WE CAN.
Copy right © 2015 AGBOOLA BIYI
FACEBOOK: agboola biyi TWITTER: @agboolabiyi BBM: 5330F104

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