Monday 16 November 2015


No matter how rough yesterday might have been, the ugly events of yesterday are now in the past.

That you slept and woke up this morning full of energy and still has breath in your nostrils means the creator has given you yet another golden chance.

Its a Golden chance for survival,
A Golden chance to correct yesterdays errors and flaws,

A Golden chance to live a better life,

A Golden chance to contribute positively once's again to human existence,

A Golden chance to fulfill all of your life's aspiration and desires,

A Golden chance to be all you are designed to BE!

So let go of yesterday in your subconscious , only keep the valid lessons it has taught you.

Face today with a renewed hope and confidence.

Face today with the consciousness of how beautiful you want it to be.

Today is just another better day, today will be yet another glorious day. But it will come with its challenges too. Be prepared and stay positive because today is just another beautiful day.


Lets go a step higher. YES WE CAN.
copy right © 2015 AGBOOLA BIYI
FACEBOOK : agboola biyi
TWITTER : @agboolabiyi
BBM : 5330F104

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