Tuesday, 14 July 2015


Growing up was quite fun in a moderate civilized area like ours. But then I was just ruminating on my past experiences as a teenager and I stumbled on this fascinating one which I believe is worth sharing. 

Anyone of either the celestial, CAC or some other religious background or faith would be quite familiar with my PLACEBO. 

Before we get confused, let me share this story; 

While growing up, my mum used to go to mountains to pray and occasionally, she took us along. But every day she came back home with water in a gallon (what we call holy water).
And guess what!!! The water worked, YEA, IT DID! 

I recollect some time ago during my SSCE days, I would drink this holy water before leaving house to write each exam paper.

Lo and behold, I passed and for subsequent examinations the story was the same. 

Then one fateful day, I went to the mountain to pray. I got there early and peoples’ gallons were there which had to be filled before prayer commenced. I was chosen to follow the guys that did the filling of gallons.

 Believe you me, when I got to the source of our ‘holy water’, I was left dumbfounded by the sight I beheld, of a stream whose source I had been familiar with while growing up. It was a stream with different levels of contamination!

I CRIED! This was my holy water! 

‘How come I was never sick drinking this dirty water?’ This was the first question I asked myself; 

how come its working? 

The answer I got when I was more informed was simple.
The holy water was my PLACEBO.

The holy water I drank to the examination hall really did not have any particular way it made me recall anything if I had not read, it only ended up making me use the rest room two or more times before leaving the exam hall.

BUT I believed it made me more efficient and I got results. 

Let me define what a PLACEBO is according to a dictionary. 

"A PLACEBO is anything of no real benefit which nevertheless makes people feels better". 

Thus for me the HOLY WATER WAS A PLACEBO and I got results! 

Now it’s important for you to think about your memorable days, when you feel accomplished, in control and well organized. You might want to record that somewhere, a note pad or anything.

CREATE YOUR OWN PLACEBO - take the productive parts of your week and turn them into a reality every day.


Let’s go a step higher....YES WE CAN
© Agboola Biyi Micheal (Growth consultant)
Facebook: Agboola Biyi Twitter: agboolabiyi BBM: 5330F104 


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