Monday, 28 September 2015


When life challenges stares us in the face, People are tempted to give up cheaply like cowards do or better still turn to carry out routine exercise of seeking their maker. 

The latter sounds better and seems to be in concert with not giving up, but there is a new dimension to that act of not giving up that I would be sharing an insight into today.

Seeking the creator in troubled times is a very valid option because he alone is our essence and sustainer with whom lies all solution to life’s troubles.

But with seeking there is something I have found useful.

Your perspective to life challenges in troubled times determines to a large extent how quick you would overcome.

Victory and Excellence will always place a demand on you in troubled times for them to be achieved. 

And the demand most times is always taking a new shot.

Taking a new shot involves renewing the dominant image in the Imaginative faculty.

The Imaginative faculty is that part of the mind that translates words, ideas and impulses into Images in the Mind.

Just like the principle of a camera, I mean how it operates. As humans our minds with its different faculty also works as such.

There is always a dominant image in the Imagination, which will always determine to a large extent our physical reality. What you see with your spirit eye also referred to as the Imaginative Faculty of the mind will determine your physical reality.

The dominant image in the Imaginative faculty can only be changed by an insight into depths of revelation or wisdom, which can be gotten from words, impulses or ideas with which the mind is fed.

Let’s take a closer look at a camera and make a comparison with the mind.

When an object is focused by the lens and an image is taken on the film.
If the image taken is not liked or desired, no amount of prayer and fasting will change the Image on the film.

The thesis above I believe you strongly agree with. "NO AMOUNT OF PRAYER AND FASTING WILL CHANGE THE IMAGE ON FILM".

What will produce an Image entirely different from the old image is taking a new shot.

Here is the gist; sometimes what you need to overcome some challenges in life is not necessarily prayer and fasting. Get me right I am not saying Praying and Fasting is bad, but all I am saying is that sometimes you simply need to change the dominant IMAGE in your IMAGINATION.

Having done that, in concert with prayer and fasting you will surely overcome.
Are you currently under pressure?
Are you simply on the verge of giving up?

Does the challenge look insurmountable? 

The good news is that all the victory you will ever need is lying within your Imaginations. But you must see them yourself using your imaginative faculty. 

That moment you begin to see the victory in your imagination through the new shots you have taken, you will begin to really experience the victory in your physical reality.



Let’s go a step higher. YES WE CAN!


Facebook : agboola biyi
twitter : @agboolabiyi
bbm : 5330f104

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