Monday, 28 September 2015


When life challenges stares us in the face, People are tempted to give up cheaply like cowards do or better still turn to carry out routine exercise of seeking their maker. 

The latter sounds better and seems to be in concert with not giving up, but there is a new dimension to that act of not giving up that I would be sharing an insight into today.

Seeking the creator in troubled times is a very valid option because he alone is our essence and sustainer with whom lies all solution to life’s troubles.

But with seeking there is something I have found useful.

Your perspective to life challenges in troubled times determines to a large extent how quick you would overcome.

Victory and Excellence will always place a demand on you in troubled times for them to be achieved. 

And the demand most times is always taking a new shot.

Taking a new shot involves renewing the dominant image in the Imaginative faculty.

The Imaginative faculty is that part of the mind that translates words, ideas and impulses into Images in the Mind.

Just like the principle of a camera, I mean how it operates. As humans our minds with its different faculty also works as such.

There is always a dominant image in the Imagination, which will always determine to a large extent our physical reality. What you see with your spirit eye also referred to as the Imaginative Faculty of the mind will determine your physical reality.

The dominant image in the Imaginative faculty can only be changed by an insight into depths of revelation or wisdom, which can be gotten from words, impulses or ideas with which the mind is fed.

Let’s take a closer look at a camera and make a comparison with the mind.

When an object is focused by the lens and an image is taken on the film.
If the image taken is not liked or desired, no amount of prayer and fasting will change the Image on the film.

The thesis above I believe you strongly agree with. "NO AMOUNT OF PRAYER AND FASTING WILL CHANGE THE IMAGE ON FILM".

What will produce an Image entirely different from the old image is taking a new shot.

Here is the gist; sometimes what you need to overcome some challenges in life is not necessarily prayer and fasting. Get me right I am not saying Praying and Fasting is bad, but all I am saying is that sometimes you simply need to change the dominant IMAGE in your IMAGINATION.

Having done that, in concert with prayer and fasting you will surely overcome.
Are you currently under pressure?
Are you simply on the verge of giving up?

Does the challenge look insurmountable? 

The good news is that all the victory you will ever need is lying within your Imaginations. But you must see them yourself using your imaginative faculty. 

That moment you begin to see the victory in your imagination through the new shots you have taken, you will begin to really experience the victory in your physical reality.



Let’s go a step higher. YES WE CAN!


Facebook : agboola biyi
twitter : @agboolabiyi
bbm : 5330f104

Sunday, 20 September 2015


A lot have been said of days of little beginning, yet much more I believe somethings still needs to be said about this particular subject matter.

Let me take you along with me on a date with memories.Some four years ago,  an event was organised in Ibadan and I was Invited to come and speak. I went there all dressed up and looking great. Just to find out that there were just three people sitted in a hall that has a capacity of about 80 people. 

There was light, there were microphones, there was music and many chairs.
Well well, I did what i was invited to do , and I left.

But guess what?

That was the very first time of me being in front of an audience as a motivational speaker.

It was really really a little beginning right? YES IT WAS.

That day i went back home with a mixed feeling; I was happy i delivered , and was sad I had three people as audience.

Looking back now, from that day, there has been tremendous progress and improvement. But trust me it was all in stages and gradual. I had been a speaker to an audience of 10, 15 and 20 people. 

But one thing is that I keep the bigger picture in my subconsious mind and do what I love doing with the whole of my heart.

 Recently, I have been getting invites from Secondary schools around the metropolis of the second largest city in Africa. And I have had an audience of close to a thousand people in a hall full to capacity and you know what it was power packed.

During the course of the week, I had a chat with a young man who works where am Currently undergoing my internship.

He his a graduate and trust me like they say, there are no jobs outside. 

He then passionately told me his ordeals in search of a living. At first he was a teacher in a secondary school. That pays the bills for a while. He still kept on pressing for better offers while holding on to the teaching job.
He then came across the company, and they were only recruiting security guards at that time. A graduate went ahead and apply. Luckily for him he was chosen.

You are like a graduate, a security guard! 

You will understand by and by. 

Well the pay was better off the teaching job he had earlier coupled with less stress too. So he took up the offer. Time went by and today he now works as a Chemical analyst in thesame company with a much better pay.

The days of speaking to an audience of 3,5,10 , the days of teaching with wages not even up to the minimum wage requirement by the law and the days of a graduate being a security guard were days of little beginning. 

Those days are getting more and more mature in QUALITY AND QUANTITY now.

Here is the gist; you have a vision, you are passionate about something, you want to do a business. And all you want to do is start out big. well it works sometimes but in most cases it does not.

Start in those ways that are little.

Are you a graduate!

You are waiting for that job offer that pays big. 

Its alright to have such desires, but while waiting for those times to come, while not engage yourself with the little offers. That young man whose story i shared with you earlier, never knew he was going to get his dream job while working 
as a security guard. 

What if he had neglected that little beginning?

In a short while if you tarry, those days will be a part of your success story. Which offcourse will help inspire some other folks somewhere someday.


Hold on in those days of little beginning, keep the bigger picture in your subconsious mind and give your very best everytime and soon the jackpot will be yours.


Lets go a step higher. YES WE CAN!


Facebook : agboola biyi
twitter : @agboolabiyi
bbm : 5330f104

Sunday, 13 September 2015


As humans, at some point or the other in our lifes ,we have expectation and desires that we look forward to achieve.

Our desires and expectations when fulfilled bring to us some sense of fulfilment. 
Seeing our desires through is the focal point we will together be seeking an indepth understanding into today.

For couples of months now, I have experienced what and how it feels like to have a desire and see it through.

Having a desire is what i can refer to as a rough sketch or a plan on paper. 

Materializing desires therein lies the challenges.

About some three months ago, I had a desire to get a particular task done. The task to be done looks absolutely impossible even from the plan.

 But at some point i learned that having a Desire only is not sufficient to get me fulfillment.

I came to understand later on that there is such a thing as a "DEFINITE DESIRE".
When desires are definite, it makes it easier for their accomplishment. You must not only have Desires, your desires must be Definite.

 Having a definite desire is all that is required of us as human beings to see our desires come true. That is not True! 

I came to the understanding that there is a phenomenal attitude you must put into your definite desires to see them materialize.

This phenomenal attitude i refer to as "DOGGEDNESS WITH YOUR DEFINITE DESIRES".

Most times alot of discouragements and obstacles we encounter that makes our desires appears to be a mirage. But doggedness with our Definte desires is the password to see them materialize.

As long as you are breathing, You must have desires. But never limit your desires on the mere desire level, consciously make them DEFINITE.
When your desires are definite it makes it easier for you to materialize them.

Now get this right, that your desires are definite does not automatically translates them into your desired result. 

Sometimes you just need to endure some hardship , scale some heights and overcome seemly insurmountable obstacles. Being dogged with your definite desires will in a short while produce results for you.

Never stop hoping, do not give in to the present challenges, you have a desire to overcome, you have a desire to come out better, make your desires definite. Be dogged with your definite desires and just in a little while your desires will materialize.

I have seen this work for alot of people, infact its working for me. And i strongly believe it will work for YOU.

Remember, nothing in this world is big enough to hinder you from Being all you are designed to BE!

As you go this week, have a desire,
Make your desire definite,
Be dogged with your definite desire,
And see them being materialized.



Lets go a step higher. YES WE CAN!


Facebook : agboola biyi
twitter : @agboolabiyi
bbm : 5330f104

Sunday, 6 September 2015



For sometimes now i have been wondering and imagining how a laity can be so triumphant.

But I have soon discover that the secret lies in breaking the rules. Doing the unimaginable.

I have been studying the story of David and Goliath.

I am sure the story sounds so familair ,that you can even narrate the whole scenario as acted in screen plays and aminamations over the years.

However I took time out to learn and look objectively into this story, and I stumbled on some amazing facts I believe are worth sharing.

David happens to be the last born in a family of six children.

David is an hard working lad , who spares time out to sheperd his fathers flock while grazing.

Three of his brothers were in the army , fighting and defending the countrys terrritory.

David while watching over his fathers sheep in the forest encountered seemly insourmontable challenges that ordinarily would scare off a coward from being a sheperd the rest of his life.

David has on different occasions slew a lion and a bear.

What a courageous young man David is! A LION? A BEAR?

Sounds so scary even to me!

The killing of the lion and the bear to David then was just a challenge that confronted him while going about his daily activities.

Remember David could have chosen to run away at the sight of the lion back then in the forest.

And again a Bear came up. Thats quite tormenting in the forest for a young man like David.

After slaying the bear am sure if it were some other folks , they would have ignored the forest and the sheeps.

We have a lesson emphatically pronounced from the life of David here, David understood that challenges and set backs are unavoidable ,but they are temporal.

David had victory over the lion and the bear. 

What is symbolic to the lion and the bear in your life?

Do you run at the sight of their similitude or you wait to confront and defeat them?

On a fatefull day, David was sent by his father to visit his three brothers at the battle front. On getting there, David saw the blasphemy of the man who has been a warrior from his youth.

David was provoked and volunteered to battle with Goliath . His brothers were angry and threatened to send him home.

But David being a couragous young man sought to meet the king.

On meeting the king, the king doubted Davids ability to confront the philistine stating clearly that he has been a warrior from his youth and David has never been to a battle field.

David then immediately digged into his reserve. He then brought out his Capital . 

What was David's CAPITAL?

His capital was his past experiences of killing the Lion and the Bear.

This capital proved to be enough to be buy the kings Trust.

He got the kings permission to go and  fight onbehalf of the whole country. Knowing fully that once he his defeated the whole country is gone.


What a great investment and risk the king has taken to believe in a youth like David who has not fought a battle before, but has killed a Lion and a Bear.

David fought that battle and offcourse you and I know that he won and the country won.



You must rise up and face your fears squarely, because you never can tell when your Little experiences will count as a Huge capital to catapualt you to where you desire.

Never stop trying, just stay focused and in a while your little experiences will be the required CAPITAL for your big dream. 

Remember the catch is in breaking the rules. Doing the seemly impossible task. Coming out of your hiding place to face your wosrt fears. 

And soon the world will celebrate you.

Lets go a step higher. YES WE CAN!


Facebook : agboola biyi

twitter : @agboolabiyi

bbm : 5330f104


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