Tuesday 5 January 2016


Many have seen in times past and today in this century we are enjoying all we are enjoying in terms of technological, political and economic Advancement because those guys took conscious effort to see.

While it is important to be blind to distractions that abounds everywhere, it’s equally
technically, logically and intellectually critical to not just see but "see".

But seeing in this contest implies being a visionary.

Those who saw in times past and took actions have made not only their own lives better but even the lives of millions of people all over the word.

As this year is rolling by, you must take deliberate effort if you are really determined to grow and be better. 

You must have a vision to run with.

Mind you having the vision is not the only thing to do, but ensure you implement appropriate measures called mission which must be reviewed periodically to check mate your vision.

 There are many wonderful possibilities out there, if only we are willing to let go of the past and reach for them. Our prayer should be that we be a people of vision.

Where there is no vision, the people perish. When vision and will are weak, death begins.

Always remember that Poor vision and weak wills are deadly to people, businesses, churches, and nations. 

We need to break away from those who show no vision. 

We need to expect more from ourselves. 

We need to set goals.

 We need to dream of the potential at hand.

 We have the freedoms to work at obtaining all we can envision before us. 

There are many grand and glorious opportunities barely showing in the distance.

In this year you and I need to stand on the shoulders of those who see it with us. We must put forth our best efforts to better understand the possibilities.
Let’s look to the future with optimism.

Start to look afar and work hard to reach your goals. The world needs more of us with vision and strong wills. Walk daily with God and capture His vision for your life. This will allow you to grow and give perspective to your living.

You must be all you are designed to BE in 2016.

Let’s go a step higher. YES WE CAN.
Copy right © 2015 
Facebook: Agboola Biyi Twitter: @agboolabiyi BBM: 5330f104

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